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 Neues Update - PWI Descent

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 385
Anmeldedatum : 27.07.10

Neues Update - PWI Descent Empty
BeitragThema: Neues Update - PWI Descent   Neues Update - PWI Descent EmptyFr Feb 17 2012, 23:36

Hier haben Valene und ich mal ein Video zum Update und neuen Welt - Morai - aufgenommen. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und eine lehrreiche viertel Stunde Spielspaß Smile


Und hier sozusagen noch eine Fortsetzung, in der 3 Kleinigkeiten noch erwähnt werden, die wir beide gestern vergessen bzw nicht besser gewusst haben Wink

Zuletzt von Gotteskind am Di Feb 21 2012, 03:46 bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 241
Anmeldedatum : 28.07.10
Alter : 35
Ort : Leipzig

Neues Update - PWI Descent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Neues Update - PWI Descent   Neues Update - PWI Descent EmptySa Feb 18 2012, 18:25

Also ich finds großartig! Ok, ich bin voreingenommen - aber ich finds trotzdem großartig Very Happy
Und es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Das müssen wir wirklich so schnell als möglich wiederholen - sorry der Rest, aber dann müsst ihr mit meiner Piepsstimme klar kommen xP
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 385
Anmeldedatum : 27.07.10

Neues Update - PWI Descent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Neues Update - PWI Descent   Neues Update - PWI Descent EmptySo Feb 19 2012, 22:06

Hier gibt es das ganze Zeug aus den Videos noch einmal in schriftlicher Form Smile

Zunächst das Wichtige: Es gibt in der neuen Welt Morai 3 verschiedene Orden: Shroud, Luminance und Corana. Wenn man der Geschichte treu bleiben will, sollte man zuerst am Ende der gelben Questreihe zu einem Orden joinen, aber prinzipiel ist es egal, man kann also auch direkt in einen Orden einsteigen. Dazu benötigt man 200k Coins. Sobald man in einem Orden ist, und diesen verlässt, muss man 24 Stunden warten, bis man in den nächste reindarf. Sobald man diesen Orden auch als nicht den richtigen empfindet, muss man 7 Tage warten, um dort rauszugehen. Jedes mal, wenn man aus einem Orden rausgeht, verliert 5% der Prestige und Influnce Punkte, wo wir beim nächsten Thema wären.

Prestige und Influence Punkte
Mit Influence kann man sich Items im Orden kaufen, ist also eine Art Zahlungsmittel. Prestige benötigt man, damit diese Items freigeschaltet werden und somit käuflich sind.
Im Nachfolgenden werde ich die Möglichkeiten nennen, wie man an diese Punkte kommt.

Divine Quests (vergleichbar mit der Divine Quest in Archosaur nach abgeschlossener BH)
Hierbei erhält man vom Elder des jeweiligen Ordens ein Item "Divine Order of Longevity". Damit kann man bei einem anderen NPC im Lager i.d.R. 2 weiße Quests annehmen, in seltenen Fällen auch eine violette Quest, die das doppelte an Prestige und Influence einbringt. Für die weiße Quests muss man 8 Monster töten oder 5 Items graben, bei der violetten Quest muss man 10 Monster töten. Dafür hat man 3 Stunden Zeit.
Belohnung für weißte Quests: 20 Prestige, 10 Influence, 60k Exp, 13.56k SP
Belohnung für violette Quest: 40 Prestige und 20 Influence

Diese Quest erhält man vom "Lieutenant". Das ist der NPC, von dem man die "Advanced Supplies" bekommt. Für diese Quest hat man 1 Stunde Zeit und muss 20 Monster töten.
Belohung: 25 Prestige, 10 Influence, 100k Exp, 22.6k SP

Wraith Slayer Missive
Achtung: Diese Quest ist eine wöchentliche Quest! Man kann sie also nur einmal alle 7 Tage annehmen.
Vorgehensweise: Das Ziel ist es, einen Boss zu töten. Auf ihn trifft man, wenn man durch das rote Portal in Sandscape Tower geht. Er hat weder eine AoE noch einen Debuff, also einfach zu töten. Diese Quest muss man mit mindestens einem Spieler aus jedem Orden bewältigen. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, wieviele in der Squad sind. Man kann auch mit 10 Spielern in die Cave gehen, wichtig ist nur, dass jeder Orden wenigstens einmal vertreten ist.
Belohung: 60 Prestige, 350k Exp

Saturday Public Event (vergleichbar mit der bisherigen Public Quest auf Shattered Cloud Island)
Diese Quest ist wieder eine wöchentliche Quest. Jeden Samstag um 12.30Uhr kann man sie beim "Lieutenant" annehmen. Anschließend 300 Monster + einen Boss töten. Um die Belohnung über 80 Prestige und 30 Influence zu erhalten, muss man wenigstens 100 Contribution Punkte haben.

Nun kommen wir zu der Frage: Welchem Orden soll ich beitreten? Bisher wurde nur der Gesichtspunkt "Skills" betrachtet, allerdings gibt es auch noch andere Dinge zu beachten: in welchem Orden bekomme ich welche Waffe und Rüstung? Außerdem gibt es in jedem Orden ein "Unique" Item, was sicher auch eine Überlegung wert ist.

Ich fange mal an mit Rüstungen und Waffen . Mit dem Update erschienen jeweils 3 neue Sorten. G12, G13 und G15. Es lohnt sich allerdings nur die G15 (gegenüber TT99 oder höher). Hier eine kleine Auflistung, in welchem Order man die für die jeweilige Klasse richtige Waffe / Rüstung erhält:

Orden Corona
G15 Arcane Armor
G15 Dagger, Bogen

Orden Shroud
G15 Heavy Armor
G15 Arcane Waffen

Orden Luminance
G15 Light Armor
G15 Pole/Sword/Axes (keine Fists / Claws)

Das "Unique" Item sieht folgendermaßen aus:

Orden Corona: Corona Jade - Wirkung: täglich 452k SP
Orden Shroud: Shroud Jade - Wirkung: täglich 2m Exp
Orden Luminance: Luminance Jade - Wirkung: täglich 1600 Reputation

Für jedes dieser Items benötigt man 1500 Prestige und 5 Influence!

Jetzt kommt die für die meisten wichtigste Sache: die neuen Skills. Hierzu nehme ich die Auflistung aus dem PWI Forum -ein klein wenig abgeändert-, denn die ist sehr schön gemacht. Man sieht, welchen Skill man in welchem Orden bekommt und auch Einzelheiten wie Cooldown etc.


Arrow Inferno - Gained from Order of Luminance
Range Ranged
Mana 530
Channel 3.1 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity
Deals basic damage to enemies 8 meters around the target plus
250% gear Attack and 1500 points of physical damage.
Reduces targets' healing effect received from skills by 20%,
from potions by 30%, and increases target's HP
charm cooldown by 3 seconds. Lasts for 30 seconds.

Costs 3 ammo
Costs 1 Spark

Ataraxia - Gained from Order of Shroud
Mana 121
Channel 0.8 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity
Enter a stealth state by becoming one with nature. Increases
Stealth level by 31 points. Costs 50 Mana per second.
Movement speed reduced to 0.1 meters per second.
Blazing Arrow or Spark Burst will cancel the effect.

Leap Left - Gained from Order of Corona
Mana 166
Channel Instant
Cooldown 35.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Instantly jump to your left by 20 meters.

Leap Right - Gained from Order of Corona
Mana 166
Channel Instant
Cooldown 35.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Instantly jump to your right by 20 meters.

Galvanic Charge - Gained from Order of Shroud (Cheap and Tradeable)

Mana 216
Channel 1.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Enhance yourself with an electric current.
Increases attack range by 6 meters and
critical hit chance by 15% between 4 to 8 times,
depending on Soulforce, for the next 20 seconds.

After casting, you will recover 100 Chi over 10 seconds.

Requires 2 Sparks

Whisper Shot - Unavailable for now?
Range 18 meters
Mana 454
Channel 1.2 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged Weapons
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Silences all enemies in a 25 meter line for 3 seconds,
while dealing base physical damage and 100% weapon
damage, plus 3200 physical damage.

Requires 3 ammo.
Requires 1 Spark to cast.

Galvanic Aura - Unavailable for now
Mana 216
Channel 1.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Ranged
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Enhance yourself with an electric current.
Increases attack range by 6 meters and
critical hit chance by 25% between 5 to 9 times,
depending on Soulforce, for the next 30 seconds.

After casting, you will recover 100 Chi over 10 seconds.

Requires 2 Sparks


Reckless Rush - Gained from Order of Corona

Range 15 meters
Mana 141
Channel Instant
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Blade, Sword, Poleblade, Pike, Club, Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer, Polehammer or Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Charge instantly to your enemy, stunning it for 3 seconds.
Deals physical damage equal to 50% base physical damage.
When enemy's HP is lower than 40%, deals 3 times damage.

Requires 50 Chi to cast.

Blade Tornado - Unavailable for now

Mana 495
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.7 seconds
Cooldown 300.0 seconds
Weapon Melee weapons, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Create a whirling tempest of fiery rage, inflicting
physical damage to all enemies within 10 meters
every 3 seconds. Lasts for 12 seconds.
Damage is equal to 200% of weapon damage.
Reduces enemy movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Immune to any control debuffs while in this state, but
cannot use skills, genie skills or other attacks.
Additional physical damage between 5000 and 11000,
depending on player's Soulforce.

Recharges 2 Sparks over the 12 second duration.

Requires 3 Sparks to cast.

Reel In - Gained from Order of Shroud

Range 25 meters
Mana 212
Cast 2.0 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Melee weapons, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Pull the enemy toward you.

Against targets of the same level and Soulforce, success rate will be 70%,
with a success rate range between 40% and 100%,
depending on both players' Soulforce.

Requires 50 Chi to cast.

Flame Tsunami - Gained from Order of Luminance

Range 10 meters
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.9 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Melee weapons, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Available when HP is lower than 40%.
Attacks enemies in a 12 meters line, dealing
base physical damage plus 200% weapon damage
and 7200 physical damage, with a 75% chance to stun
enemies for 3 seconds.

Blade Hurl - Unavailable for now

Range 25 meters
Mana 353
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 0.9 seconds
Cooldown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Melee weapons
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Throw your weapon at the cost of being disarmed
for 3 seconds to disarm all enemies within 8 meters
for 3 seconds, dealing physical damage plus
100% weapon damage and 3500 physical damage.

Requires 1 Spark to cast."

Sword Cyclone - Gained from Order of Corona (Cheap and Tradeable)

Mana 392
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.7 seconds
Cooldown 300.0 seconds
Weapon Melee weapons, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Create a whirling tempest of fiery rage, inflicting
physical damage to all enemies within 10 meters
every 3 seconds. Lasts for 12 seconds.
Damage is equal to 200% of weapon damage plus
2500 to 6500 physical damage, depending on Soulforce.
Immune to any control debuffs while in this state, but
cannot use skills, genie skills, or other attacks.

Recharges 2 Sparks over the 12 second duration.

Requires 3 Sparks to cast.


Violet Dance - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Mana 432
Channel 1.6 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
Cooldown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed
Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Assume a violet form enveloped in flowing shadows.
Magic attack gained from equipment is increased based
on your Soulforce. Enables the use of special spells and abilities.
Unable to use some Healing and Blessing skills while under
Violet Dance status. Max HP is reduced by 10%.

Increases Magic Attack gained by equipment by 40% to 80%.

Requires 15 Chi

Absorbing Array - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Requires Violet Dance status.
Range 28.5 Meters
Mana 426
Channel 1.0 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed
Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Inflicts an aura on your target that absorbs healing
equal to 10% magic attack plus 675.
This aura lasts up to 30 seconds. Effect is stacking.
The maximum absorptive power of the aura is determined by
your soulforce compared to your target's soulforce.
To same level characters, minimum 2000, maximum 18000.

No effect on characters 5+ levels higher than you.

Aurora Array - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Requires Violet Dance status.
Range 10 Meters
Mana 909
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 18.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed
Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Inflicts an aura to all enemies within 15 meters
that absorbs healing equal to 10% magic attack
plus 675. Lasts up to 30 seconds. Effect is stacking.
The maximum absorptive power of the aura is determined by
your soulforce compared to your target's soulforce.
To same level characters, minimum 2000, maximum 18000.

No effect on characters 5+ levels higher than you.

Mark of Weakness - Gained from Order of Corona

Requires Violet Dance status.
Range 28.5 Meters
Mana %d
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed

Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity
For 20 seconds, increases the target's chance to
receive critical strikes by 15%.

Pious Blessing - Gained from Order of Shroud

Requires Violet Dance status.
Range 28.5 Meters
Mana %d
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 300.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed
Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Protects your target's life with a divine blessing.
For 8 seconds, your target will be immune from a killing blow.
Recovers 50% of target's HP upon successful protection.

Ancestor's Blessing - Gained from Order of Luminance


Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity
The gods smile upon clerics for their protection of others.
When a great cleric dies, the gods themselves intervene.

No EXP penalty upon dying.

Magical Shackle - Unavailable for now

Requires Violet Dance status.
Range 28.5 Meters
Mana %d
Channel 1.0 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed
Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Bind a thunder charm to your target.
Every time your victim attacks or uses an ability,
there is a 30% chance your target will take damage
equal to your magic attack. Lasts for 1 minute.

Requires 50 Chi

Ultraviolet Dance - Unavailable for now

Mana %d
Channel 1.6 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
Cooldown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Magic, Unarmed

Required Cultivation Aware of Vacuity
Assume a violet form enveloped in flowing shadows.
Magic attack gained from equipment is increased based
on your Soulforce. Enables the use of special spells and abilities.
Unable to use some Healing and Blessing skills while under
Ultraviolet Dance status.

Increases Magic Attack gained by equipment by 60% to 100%.

Requires 15 Chi

Tactical Reversion - Unavailable for now

Range 30 meters
Mana 545
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Mark an enemy player's current location, causing
the target to return to that location in 6 seconds.
Success rate when player and target are the same level
is approximately 80%, with a minimum success rate of
60% to a maximum rate of 100%, dependent on both players' Soulforce.

Can only be used on players.
Can only be used on World Map (not Safe Zone)

Requires 50 Chi to cast.

Mortal Reversion - Unavailable for now

Range 30 meters
Mana 545
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Mark an enemy player's current HP, causing
the target to revert to that amount 6 seconds later.
Success rate when both player and target are the same level
is approximately 80%, with a minimum success rate of
60% to a maximum rate of 100%, dependent on both players' Soulforce.

Can only be used on players.
Requires 50 Chi to cast.

Sand Miasma- Gained from Order of Corona

Mana 606
Channel 1.9 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
Cooldown 10.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Reduces the chance of suffering a critical hit by 5%.
Lasts 15 minutes.

Arcane Defense - Gained from Order of Shroud

Mana 1363
Channel 3.5 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Creates a protective barrier. When attacked
with melee strikes, the caster will be pulled
backwards, and one negative ailment will
be removed. Lasts 5 minutes.
Effect can occur once every 25 seconds.

Requires 30 Chi to cast.

Ice Prison - Gained from Order of Luminance

Mana 1818
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Releases a wave of frozen energy, striking all enemies
within 12 meters. Lasts 9 seconds,
pulsing every 3 seconds. Has a 67% chance
to freeze enemies for 2 seconds.
Frozen targets suffer 130% damage.
Frozen effect works like stun, but can stack with stun.
Frozen effect also stacks with Occult Ice

Requires 2 Sparks to cast.

Spatial Reversion - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Range 30 meters
Mana 432
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Mark an enemy player's current location, causing
the target to return to that location in 6 seconds.
Success rate when both player and target are the same level
is approximately 60%, with a minimum success rate of
40% to a maximum rate of 80%, dependent on both players' Soulforce.

Cannot be used on players 5+ levels higher than you.
Can only be used on players.
Can only be used on World Map (not Safe Zone)

Requires 50 Chi to cast.

Life Reversion - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)
Range 30 meters
Mana 432
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 0.6 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Mark an enemy player's current HP, causing
the target to revert to that amount 6 seconds later.
Success rate when both player and target are the same level
is approximately 60%, with a minimum success rate of
40% to a maximum rate of 80%, dependent on both players' Soulforce.

Cannot be used on players 5+ levels higher than you.
Can only be used on players.

Requires 50 Chi to cast.

Blinding Blaze - Unavailable for now

Range 30 meters
Mana 909
Channel 1.3 seconds
Cast 1.2 seconds
Cooldown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed

Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Curse lasts 45 seconds, during which time,
whenever attacked, target has a chance to be
stunned for 3 seconds. Cannot be triggered more
than once every 8 seconds.

Requires 1 Spark to cast.


Soul Link - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Range 28.5 meters
Mana %d
Channel 2.8 seconds
Cast 1.2 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Links the target's soul to a cursed doll. The
target takes 50% of all magic damage dealt to
the doll. The doll also slows the target by 30%
for 10 seconds. The doll lasts for 12 to 28 seconds.
The duration of the cursed doll is determined by both
players' Soulforce.

The effect is reduced against enemies 5 levels higher than you.

The doll's damage range is 45 meters.
Can only be used on players.
Requires 2 Sparks.

Bewitch - Gained from Order of Corona

Range 27 meters
Mana %d
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Transforms the target player into a puffbird for 6 seconds.
Puffbirds can take no actions other than movement.

Monsters become unable to use attacks or abilities.
Requires 50 Chi and fox form.

Chi Burn - Unavailable for now

Range 10 meters
Mana %d
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Reduces the target's Chi by 150.
Requires fox form.

Requires 25 Chi.

Natural Synergy - Gained from Order of Shroud

Mana %d
Channel Instant
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Increases your pet's attack speed and accuracy by 100% for 10 seconds.
Also makes you and your pet immune to negative status effects for the duration.

Your pet must be within 35 meters.
Requires 1 Spark.

Blazing Barrier - Gained from Order of Luminance

Mana %d
Channel 1.0 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Surrounds you with a barrier of energy that lasts for 15
seconds. Reduces all damage dealt to you by 30%, and
reflects 100% of all melee damage back at the attacker.

Requires 30 Chi.

Soul Shatter - Unavailable for now

Range 28.5 meters
Mana %d
Channel 2.8 seconds
Cast 1.2 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Links the target's soul to a cursed doll. The
target takes 100% of all magic damage dealt to
the doll. The doll also slows the target by 30%
for 10 seconds. The doll lasts for 12 to 28 seconds.
The duration of the cursed doll is determined by both
players' Soulforce.

The doll's damage range is 45 meters.
Can only be used on players.
Requires 2 Sparks.

Berserker's Rage - Gained from Order of Corona (Cheap and Tradeable)

Range 35 meters
Mana 240
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer or Polehammer
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Attacks all enemies within 20 meters, dealing
120% base physical damage. Has a chance to
knock flying enemies to the ground and prevent
them from flying again for 30 seconds. Deals
triple damage to targets in the air. The chance
to ground opponents is approximately 80%;
The minimum success rate is 60% and the
maximum success rate is 100%.

Has no effect on enemies 5 levels higher than you.

Cannot use while flying.
Requires 2 Sparks.

Raging Slap - Gained from Order of Corona

Available in tiger form
Range Melee
Mana 202
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 20.0 seconds
Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer, Polehammer, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Taunts the enemy with a furious slap
of your paw, enraging them and forcing
them to attack you for the next 6 seconds.
Prevents them from targeting anything else.

Can only be used on players.
Requires 1 Spark.

Stomp of the King - Unavailable for now

Available in tiger form
Range Melee
Mana 182
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 2.3 seconds
Cooldown 20.0 seconds
Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer, Polehammer, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

A powerful stomp that splits the ground. Attacks
all enemies within an 18 meter line, dealing 100%
weapon damage plus 1200 physical damage.
Generates a massive amount of threat.

Blood Rush - Gained from Order of Luminance

Mana 222
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer or Polehammer
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Each time you take damage, your
Physical Attack will increase by
8% of weapon damage. Stacks up to
20 times and lasts for 60 seconds.

Small amounts of damage will not trigger this effect.

Berserker's Wrath - Unavailable for now

Range 35 meters
Mana 240
Channel 0.6 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer or Polehammer
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Attacks all enemies within 20 meters, dealing
120% base physical damage. Has a chance to
knock flying enemies to the ground and prevent
them from flying again for 30 seconds. Deals
triple damage to targets in the air. The chance
to ground opponents is approximately 80%;
The minimum success rate is 60% and the
maximum success rate is 100%.

Cannot use while flying.
Requires 2 Sparks.

Cornered Beast - Gained from Order of Shroud

Mana 252
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 2.3 seconds
Cooldown 300.0 seconds
Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer or Polehammer
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Marks you with the strength of the beast for 150 seconds.
If you would take lethal damage during this time, the Mark
is consumed, restoring 45% health, generating 2 Sparks,
and removing all negative effects placed upon you.

Telekinesis - Gained from Order of Luminance

Range 28.5 meters
Mana 606
Channel 1.6 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Soulsphere

Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Mentally command the earth itself to attack your target.
After 12 seconds, the target will take base magic damage
and 130% base weapon damage plus 6475 earth damage.

Requires 30 Chi.

Spirit Phalanx - Gained from Order of Shroud

Range 28.5 meters
Mana 909
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Soulsphere
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Creates an impenetrable shell of psychic energy around the target.
The target is immune to damage for 10 seconds, but cannot take any
actions. When the effect ends, the target will be restored to 100% HP.

Requires 2 Sparks.
Warning: stops a catapult from following the target in Territory Wars.

Shroud of Shadow - Unavailable for now

Mana 1212
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.2 seconds
Cooldown 300.0 seconds
Weapon Soulsphere
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Makes all squad members within 12 meters untargetable by enemies.
This effect lasts between 5 and 9 seconds depending on Soulforce.

Requires 3 Sparks.

Psionic Link - Gained from Order of Corona

Range 28.5 meters
Mana 757
Channel 0.5 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Soulsphere
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

All damage dealt to the target will be redirected to you. Lasts
15 seconds. Can only be cast on a friendly target. Damage to the
target can still trigger Soul of Vengeance, Stunning or Silence.

Requires 2 Sparks.

Summon - Unavailable for now

Mana 1515
Channel 1.5 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 10.0 seconds
Weapon Soulsphere
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Allows you to summon party members to your location.
Right-click the squad member's name and click 'Summon.'
Can only be used while in the main world map.

Veil of Shadow - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Mana 1212
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.2 seconds
Cooldown 300.0 seconds
Weapon Soulsphere
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Engulf the area in darkness, obscuring vision and
making all squad members within 6 meters untargetable
by enemies. The effect duration is determined by your Soulforce.
Lasts a minimum of 3.5 seconds and maximum of 7.5 seconds.

Cannot cast on a squad member 5 levels higher than you.

Requires 299 Chi.

Share the Stealth - Gained from Order of Shroud

Mana 454
Channel 0.9 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Dagger
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Puts all teammates within 12 meters
into Stealth mode for up to 5 seconds.

Costs 1 Spark

Spoils of War - Gained from Order of Luminance

Range 12 meters
Mana 45
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.2 seconds
Cooldown 3 minutes
Weapon Dagger, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Causes target to drop Dragon quest items upon death.
Amount dropped is determined by the target's level.
Effect lasts 30 seconds.
Only effects players.
Cannot use on a player with a Guardian Scroll.

Toxic Torrent - Unavailable for now

Range Melee
Mana 81
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.9 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Dagger
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Attacks enemies in an arc with a toxic wave,
inflicting base physical damage and poison.
Poison deals up to 9300 earth damage
over 30 seconds.

Costs 30 Chi

Shadow Sight - Gained from Order of Corona

Mana 600
Channel 1.2 seconds
Cast 2.2 seconds
Cooldown 20.0 seconds
Weapon Dagger
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

A true assassin values knowledge.
Allows you to peek into your target's inventory.

Costs 30 Chi to cast

Death Chain - Unavailable for now

Mana 303
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Dagger
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Curses target, transmitting a portion of the damage
you take to them. Does not transfer damage taken
from the target.

Lasts for 15 seconds.
Channels 20% to 60% of damage received,
depending on your Soulforce, to your target.

Range of effect is 45 meters.
Costs 2 Sparks.

Death Link - Gained from Order of Shroud (Cheap and Tradeable)

Mana 240
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Dagger
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Curses target, transmitting a portion of the damage
you take to them. Does not transfer damage taken
from the target.

Lasts for 10 seconds.
Channels 15% to 35% of damage received,
depending on your Soulforce, to your target.

Range of effect is 45 meters.
Costs 2 Sparks

Transfusion - Gained from Order of Luminance (Cheap and Tradeable)

Range 28.5 meters
Mana %d
Channel 2.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Redirects healing (including Health Charms) received by the targeted enemy
to the caster of this spell for 15 seconds.
The amount of healing redirected is determined by the Soulforce of both players.
When the Soulforce of both players is equal, 25% of healing is redirected.
Against a player of your level, the healing redirected will be between 15% and 35%.

This spell is not effective against enemies 5 or more levels above you.

Effect Range 45 meters
Requires 2 Sparks to cast.

Invigorate - Gained from Order of Corona

Mana %d
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 10.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Increases Skill damage inflicted on enemies from all squad members within 15 meters
by 20%. Able to be used with other buffs. Lasts for 30 minutes

Gaia's Blessing - Unavailable for now

Mana %d
Channel 2.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

For a period of 12 seconds, the HP of all party members will recover every 3 seconds within a 20 meter area.
by 25% of you Magic Damage, plus 783 HP.

Requires 1 Spark to cast.

SublimeTransfusion - Unavailable for now

Range 28.5 meters
Mana %d
Channel 2.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Magic Instruments, Unarmed
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Redirects healing (including Health Charms) received by the targeted enemy
to the caster of this spell for 40 seconds.
The amount of healing redirected is determined by the Soulforce of both players.
When the Soulforce of both players is equal, 30% of healing is redirected.
Against a player of your level, the healing redirected will be between 20% and 40%.

This spell is not effective against enemies 5 or more levels above you.

Effect Range 45 meters
Requires 2 Sparks to cast.

Verdant Blessing - Gained from Order of Luminance

Mana %d
Channel 2.0 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 10.0 seconds
Weapon Unarmed, Magic instrument
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Blesses all party members within 15 meters, increasing the amount of healing done
with healing skills by 20%, and the amount of health restored by healing potions by 30%.
Lasts for 30 minutes.

Mass Resurrection - Gained from Order of Luminance

Mana %d
Channel 2.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 second
Cooldown 15 minutes
Weapon Unarmed, Magic instrument
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Casts an enchantment on all party members within 15 meters,
providing them protection from death for 30 minutes.
The EXP loss of revived party members is reduced by 95%.
HP and MP of revived party members is recovered by 50%.

Mystical Eye - Gained from Order of Shroud

Mana %d
Channel Instant
Cooldown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Unarmed, Magic instrument
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Able to detect all stealthed targets within 50 meters.
After 6 seconds, anyone within 25 meters whose level is less than or equal
to the caster's level will be forced out unless a party member is stealthed.

Blood-thirsty Blitz - Unavailable for now

Range 10 Meters
Mana %d
Channel 1.4 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Blade
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Deals Physical Damage equal to your Physical Attack
plus 3681 to all enemies within 12 meters.
Absorbs a large amount of HP and increases Threat.

Costs 50 Chi

Sacrificial Slash - Gained from Order of Shroud

Mana %d
Channel 1.2 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Blade
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Reduce your Defense Level by 40%, while
increasing your Attack Level by 50% of reduced Defense Level.
Lasts for 15 seconds.

Defense Level is reduced by at least 20.

Archangels of Justice - Unavailable for now

Mana %d
Channel 1.4 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Blade
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Summons two Spirit pets to aid you in battle.
The Spirit pets fight by your side for 60 seconds.
Attack power of the two Spirit pets depends on your Soulforce.

Costs 2 Sparks

Transposition - Gained from Order of Corona

Range 20 Meters
Mana 141
Channel 0.5 seconds
Cast 0.1 seconds
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Blade
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Allows you to switch positions with any enemy target.

Success of ability is determined by the soulforce of both you, and the enemy target.
If the soulforce of you and the enemy is equal, the sucessful rate of this skill is 70%.
If the level of you and the enemy is equal, the sucessful rate of this skill is between 40% and 100%.

Radiant Sight - Gained from Order of Luminance

Mana 70
Channel Instant
Cooldown 120.0 seconds
Weapon Blade
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Increase your Awareness level by 31. Lasts for 8 seconds.

Angels of Justice - Gained from Order of Corona (Cheap and Tradeable)

Mana %d
Channel 1.4 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 180.0 seconds
Weapon Blade
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Vacuity

Summons two Spirit pets to aid you in battle.
The Spirit pets fight by your side for 30 seconds.
Attack power of the two Spirit pets depends on your Soulforce.

Costs 2 Sparks

Ich hoffe, dass Val und ich euch etwas helfen konnten. Falls noch Ergänzungen bzgl. der Skills bestehen sollten, könnt ihr mir eine PN schicken :=)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 385
Anmeldedatum : 27.07.10

Neues Update - PWI Descent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Neues Update - PWI Descent   Neues Update - PWI Descent EmptyDi Feb 21 2012, 03:48

Und da nochmal ein Einblick in die wöchentliche Quest Wraithslayer's Missive cheers

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 385
Anmeldedatum : 27.07.10

Neues Update - PWI Descent Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Neues Update - PWI Descent   Neues Update - PWI Descent EmptyDo März 01 2012, 01:11

Viel Spaß Very Happy

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